
114201The Adorable Catlobesophanim (captain), IonFrigate, inspector071, jokeserver, mikee, reid
29074wucad mu-tang clan aint nuthin ta fuck witevilmike (captain), Jordan7hm, Lawman0, Shovelmint, heteroy, theglow
38276Zignaciocasmith789 (captain), BirdoPrey, MarvinPA, cbus, elliptic, valrus
47597Iltilerate Crawlershambone (captain), R18, coldwave, daydreamer, paplaukes, rootoo
57370Bay12 Championsdemos (captain), Alg, Train, Yunor, ggeezz, taxon
66616Team TeddybearRagdoll (captain), Arcturus, Elynae, LordSloth, jle, monqy
74193All Felids Are Tabby Catsrodrick (captain), Davzz, Palladion, deathrats, magistern
83924WeedSmokingCoolGuysdjroomba (captain), arcturusfats, bonglord, doctor, grandpa, swamp
93862GWJ Victory Or DeathFerret (captain), IjonTichyy, Mixolyde, Omrii, chillblain
103839GeeGeeGeeGeeBabyBabyBabyRet (captain), Danswan, OneEyedJack, ober
113774I wish I was a little bit crawler I wish I was a ballernmf (captain), Gebstadter, Jaeger, oxeimon
123099TheAcademyofTomorrowMansLexAckson (captain), Grinner, Jerek, Wensley, rastarogue
133060Dont make the wrong choiceMiron (captain), Frobop, GIRLIRL, Palyth, jenzors
142957eatmorepurplemeatterril (captain), JohnAsti, Lexicon, Ping, gnarr, qtip
152495The Neophytic KittylobesFlun (captain), Hobo, Neil, ajhager, exliontamer, lgoasklucyl
162252Bay12 BrewersKamina (captain), Gigalith, ZChris13, absolutego, kradidark
172144The Fuck WizardsRlazz (captain), Bingo, LatinaPride, cptwinky, hipsterscumbag, sesh
182025Liches Aint ShitMiton (captain), Buzzard, birdshirt, fiber, hem, sm4rmy
191958team seaslugDuckman (captain), Manjusri, Milgwyn, elrogueo, moocowpong1
201933Bay12 BlacksmithsLASD (captain), Denvon, DrkPaladin, Frumple3, Soadreqm, frankhovis
211390Alright who left this turd in the punch bowlandrewsmash (captain), Peepsalot, Synertia, floorislava, lordfrikk, surprisetrex
221364Beach Blanket PurgyHUNGRYM (captain), Jester, M0g0, Vadun, Wolfechu, coyo7e
231357Bay12 RecruitsUn67 (captain), LektorAB, Porter, Thornet, Wravburn, xczxc
241240Bay12 Masonshuhu (captain), StToaster, akhier, lerugray, vogonpoetB12
251130The Artist Formerly Known As Prince RibbitTenaya (captain)
261089The Kobold and the BeautifulLilli (captain), Alamo, TFWaffleman, Voiks, deoffault
271071BlackSpathiSquadronStormfox (captain), LunarHarp, Paroid
28970Bay12 EngraversWillAlvein (captain), Juraz, bigboss, blueDave, namad
29726GWJ Sigmund is MeanFarscry (captain), EriktheRed, Homard, Yaxamie, cyrax, swaggart
30674NETHACKSUCKSbmoore (captain), nooodl
31663hueFungee (captain), acidplant
32659Dial M For MongMong (captain)
33517NoRunessstrickl (captain), BakaFlockaFlame, elisethegreat
34405Bay12 Haulersajikeshi (captain), FailWStyle, MinsEcho, Ullallulloo
35332Octopodes4LyfeScarr (captain)
36290The Silent Blade Cuts BestJohnCasey (captain), 1renicus, Beebo
37281DemonicCrawlersrichardhawk (captain), torokasi
38275The I in Teammursu (captain)
39254Attack ChokosNomi (captain), rawrmage
40250HellWithThisKyrris (captain)
41235unfoogGandelf (captain), jvjs, schnippi
42208DeathPussyKiloByte (captain)
43201WDIFTLAlienAlias (captain), BackslashEcho, Haluc
44198Bay12 Peasantsuserpay (captain), Detonate, Nuthulu, du3lingdragon
45186DoersOfEvilericcc (captain), sefy98, thevance
46181SlowSprigganSlowGraham (captain)
47176RememberToPickUpTheOrbfiremonkey (captain)
48152ClopClopPoniesEurtek (captain)
49145SepulchritudeBeneather (captain)
50136Dragons Are CuddlyHybrid (captain)
51122momarchalk (captain)
52109All your ghost are belong to usKyouki (captain)
5396OliveGardenKautzman (captain)
5453Bay12 Minersrexnex (captain), Vherid, hachnslay, seriyu
5542PropInfinityMogwok (captain)
5634Bay12 SoapersCheeseh (captain), Nistenf, Tammuz
5720MightyMorphinPowerRangersRedRanger (captain), BlackRanger
580necroNOMNOMNOMicondaftfad (captain)
580team squarelossquarelos (captain), qwqw, tartakower
Last updated 2011-09-01 00:21:28 UTC.