Goon Squad Irregulars

Tourney points total 8896
Games won / played 7 / 828 (0.85%)

Ongoing Games

163:59:33 ago: PersonDyslexic the Hoplite (L13 DsFE of Ashenzari) left the Lair of Beasts. (D:13, turn 23378, dur 2:12:38, cszo)
333:35:07 ago: BirdoPrey the Miscreant (L4 SpEn) entered a sewer. (Sewer, turn 1903, dur 0:04:25, cao)
383:56:41 ago: Lawman0 the Twirler (L4 MiGl) killed Ijyb. (D:3, turn 1625, dur 0:03:00, tcdo)


1526882SevenDeadlySinsMinotaurBerserkerTrogMerry Minotaur27823935:05:0432012-11-04 14:08:49
9414498JazzimusMinotaurWandererthe Shining OneIntangible2718193720:09:04152012-11-03 00:20:05
7966859JazzimusHill OrcWarperVehumetTalismancer2723167534:03:54152012-10-31 18:03:49
9571785TotesMerfolkAbyssal Knightthe Shining OneMerfolkian Porcupine2717782611:34:08152012-10-26 05:42:39
10741585Lawman0MummySummonerSif MunaDemonologist2714982112:22:39152012-10-24 17:54:23
1351373BirdoPreyMinotaurNecromancerTrogAxe Maniac271163245:54:3232012-10-22 17:17:54
8702494JazzimusDeep ElfWizardSif MunaInfernalist2720155434:52:39152012-10-21 23:14:51

Winning Gods:

Lugonu, Okawaru, Sif Muna, Trog, Vehumet

We say that a game is won using a (non-Xom) god if the player reaches ****** piety with that god without worshipping any other god first; this is not necessarily the same god worshipped at the end of the game. A game is won using Xom only if it is a Chaos Knight who never abandons Xom. A game is won using 'No God' only if the player never worships a god.

Remaining Gods:

Ashenzari, Beogh, Cheibriados, Elyvilon, Fedhas, Jiyva, Kikubaaqudgha, Makhleb, Nemelex Xobeh, No God, Xom, Yredelemnul, Zin, the Shining One

Recent Games

474BirdoPreyHigh ElfAssassinSneakD:5slain by xnavy's ghost633570:12:572012-11-04 21:12:30
58BirdoPreyHigh ElfAssassinSneakD:1slain by a hobgoblin14360:01:542012-11-04 20:58:11
321BirdoPreyHigh ElfAssassinOkawaruCutterD:3blasted by an orc priest (divine providence)544170:14:172012-11-04 20:52:23
69BirdoPreyHigh ElfAssassinSneakD:1slain by an ooze13870:01:292012-11-04 19:31:01
473BirdoPreyHigh ElfPriestZinDevoutD:4mangled by an ogre (a +0,+0 giant club)653560:13:252012-11-04 19:24:02
290BirdoPreyHigh ElfPriestZinPiousD:3blasted by Sigmund (magic dart)528540:07:232012-11-04 19:04:37
1819BirdoPreyMummyNecromancerSif MunaGrave RobberD:5slain by a lemure (summoned by Eustachio)863050:24:322012-11-04 18:50:14
9774BirdoPreyHumanEnchanterMakhlebJinxLair:2mangled by a komodo dragon11128520:50:302012-11-04 18:13:52
517517JazzimusHigh ElfAir ElementalistKikubaaqudghaEclecticistSnake:5slain by a greater naga (a +2,+0 whip)258597215:59:1922012-11-04 16:10:00
24BirdoPreySprigganEnchanterVexingD:1succumbed to a goblin's poison1900:00:172012-11-04 15:48:25
73111BirdoPreyCentaurHunterOkawaruSevererOrc:4slain by an orc warrior (a -1,+1 orcish glaive) (led by an orc warlord)14326391:46:262012-11-04 15:31:08
515TotesCentaurHunterArcherD:4blasted by Dowan (stone arrow)626650:09:272012-11-04 15:07:34
1526882SevenDeadlySinsMinotaurBerserkerTrogMerry Minotaurescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!27823935:05:0432012-11-04 14:08:49
3009SevenDeadlySinsTrollBerserkerTrogGrapplerD:7demolished by FriscoBowie's ghost957870:14:282012-11-04 08:19:40
9408SevenDeadlySinsTrollBerserkerTrogGrapplerIceCvblasted by an ice statue (bolt of cold)1193470:29:402012-11-04 08:02:39
634SevenDeadlySinsDeep DwarfBerserkerTrogCleaverD:5blasted by Dowan (stone arrow)631310:08:162012-11-04 07:31:47
892SevenDeadlySinsDeep DwarfBerserkerTrogChopperD:5slain by an ogre (a +0,+0 giant club)736130:07:462012-11-04 07:23:25
542SevenDeadlySinsDeep DwarfBerserkerTrogCleaverD:4mangled by Prince Ribbit632200:06:122012-11-04 06:38:12
26SevenDeadlySinsDeep DwarfBerserkerTrogChopperD:1slain by a gnoll (a +0,+0 spear)1230:00:092012-11-04 06:31:53
406SevenDeadlySinsTenguGladiatorPokerD:4blasted by a white imp (puff of frost) (summoned by Eustachio)542190:06:122012-11-04 06:30:52

Uniques Slain Agnes, Aizul, Antaeus, Arachne, Asmodeus, Azrael, Blork, Boris, Cerebov, Crazy Yiuf, Dispater, Dissolution, Donald, Dowan, Duvessa, Edmund, Ereshkigal, Erica, Erolcha, Eustachio, Fannar, Frances, Frederick, Gastronok, Geryon, Gloorx Vloq, Grinder, Grum, Harold, Ignacio, Ijyb, Ilsuiw, Jessica, Jory, Joseph, Josephine, Khufu, Kirke, Lom Lobon, Louise, Mara, Margery, Maud, Maurice, Menkaure, Mennas, Mnoleg, Murray, Nergalle, Nessos, Nikola, Norris, Pikel, Polyphemus, Prince Ribbit, Psyche, Purgy, Roxanne, Rupert, Saint Roka, Sigmund, Snorg, Sonja, Terence, the Lernaean hydra, the royal jelly, the Serpent of Hell, Urug, Wiglaf, Xtahua
Uniques Left Tiamat, the Enchantress

Combo Highscores

MuSu* (10741585), MiWn* (9414498), DEWz* (8702494), HOWr* (7966859), SEHu (41403), DrAr (31161), CeCj (11864), CePr (11173), DrCK (7894), CeNe (7632), HuAs (6242), CeHe (4555), HECK (4340), DrPr (3943), OpPr (3891), MuEn (2491), CeAr (2422)

* Winning Game

Score Breakdown

Full details

Player Points
Jazzimus 1953
Totes 1741
BirdoPrey 1563
Lawman0 1288
SevenDeadlySins 914
PersonDyslexic 647
Source Points
zig_dive:28 140
species_win:Mu 74
species_win:Mf 70
class_win:Wr 67
god_win:lugonu 60
class_win:Wn 53
god_win:sif_muna 48
species_win:DE 48
class_win:AK 44
class_win:Su 41
class_win:Ne 37
species_win:HO 31
class_win:Wz 28
god_win:vehumet 12
species_win:Mi 11
god_win:okawaru 9
god_win:trog 9
class_win:Be 8
Grand Total 8896

Category Breakdown

Player Points
Jazzimus 1953
Totes 1741
BirdoPrey 1563
Lawman0 1288
SevenDeadlySins 914
PersonDyslexic 647
Source Points
class_win 278
species_win 234
zig_dive 140
god_win 138
Grand Total 8896
Last updated 2012-11-05 00:17:52 UTC.