
Clan: TeamKillers - zkyp (captain), ImGanon, Medar, dadoka, wuxia
Tourney points total 9538
Games won / played 18 / 483 (3.73%)


1377480MedarTrollBerserkerTrogHeavyweight Champion271074468:46:0232012-11-04 23:38:11
9469761zkypOgreGladiatorthe Shining OneSkullcrusher2718113612:40:39152012-11-04 15:57:19
1997241MedarNagaVenom MageCheibriadosMeteorologist2722315920:48:2552012-11-02 23:18:00
1305457MedarVampireAbyssal KnightLugonuImperceptible2713924114:03:5932012-10-31 14:09:53
1282321MedarBlack DraconianHealerElyvilonBringer of Life2714346215:16:2332012-10-29 18:05:11
3862898zkypDeep DwarfFighterMakhlebInvulnerable271154648:25:0572012-10-29 07:43:04
2230723zkypHill OrcPriestBeoghAxe Maniac271197849:05:4452012-10-28 22:35:16
2565681ImGanonMinotaurFighterZinMinotaur Barricade2715054410:39:5462012-10-28 21:08:23
1319305MedarHumanWizardVehumetPyromancer2715588219:58:2232012-10-27 07:02:57
1277866zkypDemigodFighterImpregnable261329106:12:5432012-10-27 02:39:01
8506109dadokaHigh ElfFire ElementalistAshenzariArchmage2720920422:19:39152012-10-26 22:50:57
1418408ImGanonDemonspawnBerserkerTrogAxe Maniac271058637:27:0732012-10-25 22:51:31
1570429MedarDeep DwarfGladiatorMakhlebSlayer278339510:41:4432012-10-24 09:11:39
2527969dadokaKoboldIce ElementalistAshenzariSorcerer2724771525:07:4672012-10-23 18:02:30
8018674zkypHigh ElfGladiatorAshenzariArchmage2722897519:47:13152012-10-23 03:23:33
7467753MedarMinotaurPriestZinInvulnerable2724189325:28:19152012-10-23 02:36:38
3478071dadokaMinotaurFighterthe Shining OneMinotaur Barricade271325118:20:2572012-10-21 12:11:15
3683089zkypMinotaurHunterOkawaruConqueror271646579:45:5182012-10-20 17:59:04

Winning Gods:

Ashenzari, Beogh, Cheibriados, Elyvilon, Lugonu, Makhleb, No God, Okawaru, Trog, Vehumet, Zin, the Shining One

We say that a game is won using a (non-Xom) god if the player reaches ****** piety with that god without worshipping any other god first; this is not necessarily the same god worshipped at the end of the game. A game is won using Xom only if it is a Chaos Knight who never abandons Xom. A game is won using 'No God' only if the player never worships a god.

Remaining Gods:

Fedhas, Jiyva, Kikubaaqudgha, Nemelex Xobeh, Sif Muna, Xom, Yredelemnul

Recent Games

561764zkypCentaurBerserkerTrogPhalangiteZot:5demolished by an Orb Guardian261249816:06:5032012-11-04 23:48:09
1377480MedarTrollBerserkerTrogHeavyweight Championescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!271074468:46:0232012-11-04 23:38:11
13924ImGanonTrollBerserkerTrogBrawlerD:12slain by a skeletal warrior (a +0,+0 halberd)11110860:24:032012-11-04 22:40:57
369ImGanonTrollBerserkerTrogRuffianD:4mangled by Duvessa (a +2,+0 elven short sword)525250:02:402012-11-04 22:16:48
1684ImGanonTrollBerserkerTrogGrapplerD:6slain by an orc (a +0,+0 orcish mace)841620:05:352012-11-04 22:14:01
23ImGanonTrollBerserkerTrogRuffianD:1succumbed to a kobold's poison1370:00:102012-11-04 22:08:20
132ImGanonOgreBerserkerTrogCudgelerD:2succumbed to an adder's poison421490:02:022012-11-04 22:07:58
179ImGanonOgreBerserkerTrogCudgelerD:3slain by an orc (a +0,+1 orcish club)423900:03:042012-11-04 22:05:49
9469761zkypOgreGladiatorthe Shining OneSkullcrusherescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!2718113612:40:39152012-11-04 15:57:19
79998MedarTrollMonkJiyvaBlack BeltAbyssblasted by a balrug (fireball)14292373:29:5612012-11-04 13:06:45
5603ImGanonTrollFighterGrapplerD:9slain by a flaming corpse1085750:17:582012-11-04 02:04:53
2496ImGanonTrollFighterGrapplerD:8demolished by a goliath beetle859480:12:012012-11-04 01:46:31
2903ImGanonTrollFighterGrapplerD:7hit from afar by a human (stone)957660:11:202012-11-04 01:33:54
1875ImGanonTrollFighterGrapplerOssuaryslain by a mummy859170:09:422012-11-04 01:22:17
2871ImGanonTrollFighterGrapplerD:8mangled by a human (a +0,+0 short sword)960740:14:102012-11-04 01:12:18
174ImGanonTrollFighterSkirmisherD:2slain by Crazy Yiuf (a +2,+4 quarterstaff of chaos)414900:02:352012-11-04 00:58:00
20ImGanonTrollFighterShield-BearerD:$got out of the dungeon alive.110:00:042012-11-04 00:55:16
743187ImGanonMummyWizardSif MunaHellbinderAbyssturned to ash by lava2712057012:28:0892012-11-03 22:32:42
8580MedarTrollMonkGrapplerD:11shot by Nessos (poisoned arrow of flame)10108051:07:342012-11-03 21:07:45
173zkypOgreGladiatorthe Shining OneCudgelerD:3slain by a vampire bat319240:07:212012-11-03 16:04:53

Uniques Slain Agnes, Aizul, Antaeus, Arachne, Asmodeus, Azrael, Blork, Boris, Cerebov, Crazy Yiuf, Dispater, Dissolution, Donald, Dowan, Duvessa, Edmund, Ereshkigal, Erica, Erolcha, Eustachio, Fannar, Frances, Frederick, Gastronok, Geryon, Gloorx Vloq, Grinder, Grum, Harold, Ignacio, Ijyb, Ilsuiw, Jessica, Joseph, Josephine, Khufu, Kirke, Lom Lobon, Louise, Mara, Margery, Maud, Maurice, Menkaure, Mennas, Mnoleg, Murray, Nergalle, Nessos, Nikola, Norris, Pikel, Polyphemus, Prince Ribbit, Psyche, Purgy, Roxanne, Rupert, Saint Roka, Sigmund, Snorg, Sonja, Terence, the Lernaean hydra, the royal jelly, the Serpent of Hell, Tiamat, Urug, Wiglaf, Xtahua
Uniques Left Jory, the Enchantress

Combo Highscores

HEGl* (8018674), DDFi* (3862898), KoIE* (2527969), DDGl* (1570429), HuWz* (1319305), DrHe* (1282321), DgFi* (1277866), MuAr (1070471), OgCK (89863), HOCK (21827)

* Winning Game

Score Breakdown

Full details

Player Points
zkyp 2301
Medar 2077
dadoka 1676
ImGanon 1330
wuxia 211
Source Points
zig_dive:28 140
species_win:Dg 100
species_win:Ko 98
god_win:cheibriados 95
species_win:Vp 86
species_win:Ds 82
god_win:beogh 81
species_win:Dr 76
god_win:no_god 72
class_win:Wz 68
species_win:Na 65
god_win:elyvilon 64
species_win:HE 64
god_win:ashenzari 60
species_win:Hu 56
species_win:Og 56
species_win:DD 54
god_win:the_shining_one 53
god_win:lugonu 50
species_win:Mi 48
class_win:He 46
class_win:Pr 42
class_win:AK 39
species_win:Tr 39
god_win:zin 37
class_win:IE 36
class_win:VM 33
species_win:HO 30
god_win:makhleb 29
god_win:okawaru 29
class_win:Hu 28
class_win:Gl 20
class_win:FE 19
god_win:vehumet 17
class_win:Fi 15
class_win:Be 8
god_win:trog 8
Grand Total 9538

Category Breakdown

Player Points
zkyp 2301
Medar 2077
dadoka 1676
ImGanon 1330
wuxia 211
Source Points
species_win 854
god_win 595
class_win 354
zig_dive 140
Grand Total 9538
Last updated 2012-11-05 00:17:53 UTC.