
Tourney points total 5051
Games won / played 7 / 194 (3.61%)

Ongoing Games

6:12:37 ago: etru1927 the Aerator (L21 HEDK of Zin) became the Champion of Zin. (D:19, turn 83366, dur 8:14:59, cdo)


1876729GrimmGhoulArtificerLugonuGrand Master271028037:02:4042012-03-11 00:20:18
10488832GrimmMerfolkIce ElementalistSif MunaEnglaciator2715704915:47:02152012-03-09 01:04:37
8497977etru1927DemonspawnEarth ElementalistKikubaaqudghaArchmage2720464418:30:46152012-03-07 13:54:10
1623571GrimmDemigodAssassinAxe Maniac2714666010:40:2842012-03-06 23:07:46
11129319GrimmHigh ElfFire ElementalistVehumetAnnihilator2714774015:33:39152012-03-05 02:18:51
1476634GrimmSludge ElfTransmuterYredelemnulGrand Master27927038:34:5232012-03-01 21:19:42
1449609GrimmMinotaurStalkerMakhlebMinotaur Porcupine27956266:28:4932012-02-28 02:01:55

Winning Gods:

Kikubaaqudgha, Lugonu, Makhleb, No God, Sif Muna, Vehumet, Yredelemnul

We say that a game is won using a (non-Xom) god if the player reaches ****** piety with that god without worshipping any other god first; this is not necessarily the same god worshipped at the end of the game. A game is won using Xom only if it is a Chaos Knight who never abandons Xom. A game is won using 'No God' only if the player never worships a god.

Remaining Gods:

Ashenzari, Beogh, Cheibriados, Elyvilon, Fedhas, Jiyva, Nemelex Xobeh, Okawaru, The Shining One, Trog, Xom, Zin

Recent Games

100extrabastardformulaMerfolkGladiatorPokerD:2slain by a gnoll (a +0,+0 spear)39040:04:592012-03-11 23:41:59
5748GrimmKoboldEnchanterOkawaruCovertD:26shot by a yaktaur captain (bolt)1090700:24:562012-03-11 23:38:02
374extrabastardformulaKoboldBerserkerTrogSkirmisherD:4succumbed to an adder's poison526480:15:222012-03-11 22:15:25
140extrabastardformulaMinotaurPriestZinDevoutD:2slain by a jackal37750:03:082012-03-11 21:59:35
4416extrabastardformulaMerfolkIce ElementalistOkawaruFrost MageD:10mangled by Sonja (a +0,+0 dagger of distortion)1081481:43:232012-03-11 18:53:41
38210GrimmSprigganEnchanterOkawaruUnseenLair:8mangled by a dire elephant13207460:58:342012-03-11 05:04:42
11874GrimmCentaurHealerElyvilonGrapplerLair:3demolished by a spiny frog11195101:12:572012-03-11 03:22:01
79extrabastardformulaTenguNecromancerGrave RobberD:2slain by an adder29150:06:262012-03-11 01:54:43
615extrabastardformulaMerfolkIce ElementalistChillerD:4mangled by Grinder729150:27:532012-03-11 01:27:15
1876729GrimmGhoulArtificerLugonuGrand Masterescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!271028037:02:4042012-03-11 00:20:18
261extrabastardformulaMerfolkIce ElementalistChillerD:3mangled by a gnoll (a +0,+0 halberd)522780:18:032012-03-10 23:26:44
824extrabastardformulaMerfolkIce ElementalistThe Shining OneChillerD:7slain by a basilisk zombie739660:33:562012-03-10 22:37:40
1307extrabastardformulaMerfolkIce ElementalistZinChillerD:8mangled by an orc warrior (a +0,+2 orcish scimitar)861660:55:042012-03-10 20:12:31
22extrabastardformulaMerfolkIce ElementalistChillerD:1slain by an ooze1400:00:472012-03-10 19:03:16
49extrabastardformulaMerfolkPriestZinApologistD:1slain by a goblin (a -1,+1 orcish dagger)26390:03:442012-03-10 19:02:15
49extrabastardformulaMerfolkPriestZinApologistD:1slain by a giant cockroach23270:02:572012-03-10 18:01:42
32extrabastardformulaMerfolkPriestZinApologistD:1slain by a kobold (a +0,+0 short sword)11120:00:412012-03-10 17:58:36
299extrabastardformulaMerfolkIce ElementalistChillerD:4mangled by Blork the orc (a +2,+3 orcish battleaxe)524060:20:522012-03-10 17:49:04
335extrabastardformulaMerfolkIce ElementalistChillerD:4slain by a hound529050:20:452012-03-10 15:41:27
23extrabastardformulaMerfolkIce ElementalistChillerD:1slain by a jackal1920:00:462012-03-10 15:20:34

Uniques Slain Agnes, Aizul, Antaeus, Asmodeus, Azrael, Blork, Boris, Cerebov, Crazy Yiuf, Dispater, Dissolution, Donald, Dowan, Duvessa, Edmund, Ereshkigal, Erica, Erolcha, Eustachio, Frances, Frederick, Gastronok, Geryon, Gloorx Vloq, Grinder, Grum, Harold, Ignacio, Ijyb, Ilsuiw, Jessica, Joseph, Josephine, Jozef, Khufu, Kirke, Lom Lobon, Louise, Mara, Margery, Maud, Maurice, Menkaure, Mennas, Mnoleg, Murray, Nergalle, Nessos, Nikola, Norris, Pikel, Polyphemus, Prince Ribbit, Psyche, Roxanne, Rupert, Saint Roka, Sigmund, Snorg, Sonja, Terence, the Lernaean hydra, the royal jelly, the Serpent of Hell, Urug, Wiglaf, Xtahua
Uniques Left Jory, Purgy, Tiamat, the Enchantress

Combo Highscores

DgAs* (1623571), DgWn (44797), KoEn (5748), HEDK (2700)

* Winning Game

Score Breakdown

Player Points
Grimm 2370
etru1927 1270
bza 315
extrabastardformula 71
Source Points
species_win:SE 149
species_win:Gh 106
species_win:Dg 102
class_win:Ar 76
species_win:HE 67
god_win:no_god 61
god_win:lugonu 54
species_win:Ds 50
class_win:As 44
god_win:yredelemnul 42
class_win:Tm 40
species_win:Mf 40
god_win:kikubaaqudgha 36
class_win:IE 31
god_win:makhleb 24
class_win:EE 23
class_win:FE 21
class_win:St 19
god_win:sif_muna 16
species_win:Mi 14
god_win:vehumet 10
Grand Total 5051
Last updated 2012-03-12 03:19:10 UTC.