Player: Zamiul

Overall Stats

Total ScoreGamesWinsWin %Best XLBest ScoreAverage ScoreFirst GameMost Recent Game
487,2925200.00%17149,2689,3712023-11-25 20:03:322023-11-30 21:00:39

Ongoing Game (cao)

On-going information is from the server only, and may be inaccurate if the player is active on other servers.
FoFiShield-BearerD:123702023-11-30 21:27:08Active

Recent Games

149,268FoFiOkawaruWarriorCrypt:1mangled by a fenstrider witch simulacrum (led by a necromancer)1726,08801:43:2512023-11-30 21:00:390.31-a0CAO
186FoFiCudgellerD:2quit the game51,16300:03:332023-11-30 18:56:270.31-a0CAO
56FoFiShield-BearerD:2quit the game497100:02:272023-11-30 18:52:340.31-a0CAO
55FoFiShield-BearerD:2quit the game41,25800:02:182023-11-30 18:49:570.31-a0CAO
2,849FoFiBasherD:8succumbed to an orange demon's poison106,58200:25:452023-11-30 18:47:250.31-a0CAO
56FoFiCudgellerD:2quit the game499100:04:202023-11-30 18:18:510.31-a0CAO
21,715FoFiOkawaruBludgeonerD:12demolished by an enormous slime creature1312,86100:44:522023-11-30 03:17:200.31-a0CAO
41FoFiShield-BearerD:2succumbed to a kobold's poison394600:01:362023-11-30 02:30:210.31-a0CAO
794FoFiOkawaruBasherD:5slain by an orc wizard (a +0 dagger)84,50200:09:042023-11-30 02:28:370.31-a0CAO
51FoFiShield-BearerD:2quit the game480700:01:392023-11-30 02:19:270.31-a0CAO
9,605FoFiOkawaruBasherD:10succumbed to a meliai's poison1110,73200:25:042023-11-30 02:17:380.31-a0CAO
38,238FoFiOkawaruBludgeonerGauntletslain by a minotaur (a +0 bardiche)1419,06401:03:432023-11-30 01:50:480.31-a0CAO
48FoFiShield-BearerD:2quit the game459700:02:022023-11-30 00:44:040.31-a0CAO
40FoFiShield-BearerD:2slain by Robin (a +2 mace of holy wrath)31,13400:03:032023-11-30 00:41:480.31-a0CAO
77FoFiShield-BearerD:3succumbed to an orc's poison41,38100:03:152023-11-30 00:38:310.31-a0CAO

Winning Characters

At                         At
Ba                         Ba
DE                         DE
Dg                         Dg
Dj                         Dj
Dr                         Dr
Ds                         Ds
Fe                         Fe
Fo                         Fo
Gh                         Gh
Gn                         Gn
Gr                         Gr
HO                         HO
Hu                         Hu
Ko                         Ko
Me                         Me
Mf                         Mf
Mi                         Mi
Mu                         Mu
Na                         Na
Og                         Og
Op                         Op
Sp                         Sp
Te                         Te
Tr                         Tr
VS                         VS
Vp                         Vp

Games Played

At                         At
Ba                         Ba
DE                         DE
Dg                         Dg
Dj                         Dj
Dr                         Dr
Ds                         Ds
Fe                         Fe
Fo           51   1        52Fo
Gh                         Gh
Gn                         Gn
Gr                         Gr
HO                         HO
Hu                         Hu
Ko                         Ko
Me                         Me
Mf                         Mf
Mi                         Mi
Mu                         Mu
Na                         Na
Og                         Og
Op                         Op
Sp                         Sp
Te                         Te
Tr                         Tr
VS                         VS
Vp                         Vp
            51   1        52 

Best Character Levels

At                         At
Ba                         Ba
DE                         DE
Dg                         Dg
Dj                         Dj
Dr                         Dr
Ds                         Ds
Fe                         Fe
Fo           17   4        17Fo
Gh                         Gh
Gn                         Gn
Gr                         Gr
HO                         HO
Hu                         Hu
Ko                         Ko
Me                         Me
Mf                         Mf
Mi                         Mi
Mu                         Mu
Na                         Na
Og                         Og
Op                         Op
Sp                         Sp
Te                         Te
Tr                         Tr
VS                         VS
Vp                         Vp
            17   4        17 

Last updated 2023-11-30 21:27:17 UTC.